Travel photography is a passion of mine. This year we went to Portugal to visit a friend and I could not wait to up my travel photography game. Portugal is the most beautiful place with so much history and character and I cannot wait to go back!

Week 1
The first week of our trip we stayed in Lisbon a vibrant city filled with amazing food, shopping, and historical beauty. The photography opportunities are endless in Lisbon and this led me trying to convince Eliza to go on photo missions with me every waking hour. We where there for one week and I feel I only saw the tip of the iceberg.
Week 2
The second week of our trip to Portugal we went to a small town to stay with our friend Fatima. She was the real reason we went to Portugal. Fatima lives 2 hours north of Lisbon in the middle of Portugal. This was really awesome because we were able to take a bunch of day trips. We were able to make it to Porto and Aveiro. But, by far, the best part of the whole entire trip was just chilling with Fatima and Fernando.
Most Beautiful Part Of Portugal
The most beautiful part of Portugal was the Portuguese tiles. Almost every building, floor, and the ceiling were covered in these tiles. I am so glad I took the time to photograph them!